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Sunday, July 18

Is anybody out there?

I was watching a bit of an old Toy Story movie, when I saw Buzz Lightyear land on planet Zurg. He immediately logged a report through his voice log (space term for Blog), saying, "the planet is deserted. There does not appear to be any intelligent life here".

Intelligent life? What's that.

If we have not reached trillions, we have certainly spent our billions of dollars, euros and roubles in a, as yet fruitless, seach for intelligent life in the distant litter of space. Some of found satisfaction in looking for plant life, as it props up the supposition that if there are viable conditions for life anywhere other than on earth, then intelligent life must also exist beyond our planet.

We would like intelligent life, but resent intelligent design.

Without spending much more than a bit of knee-time, many souls have transcended the human plain and found intelligent life out there. They have touched the hem of God's garment and walked with him in wilderness places, finding that He is not only intelligent but also accessible and loving. But science would rather probe the darkness of space for other intelligent life, for what its worth, whilst ingnoring the only life that ever had the capacity to give and sustain life on our own planet.

Would they find intelligent life here?

Hmm. The only known "beings" (by that I refer to a created life form), beyond the humans on the face of this orb, are angels ... and they daily drool over the profound opportunities presented to us. They also scratch their heads when not drooling, over the profoundly unintelligent, thoughtless things we are doing with what we have. Most of all they weep over our dismissive attitude towards a relationship that they can only ever covet. We have what they can never have, yet neglect what they would prize above everything else.

Is there an ulterior motive for our quest?

Our need to find alternative life forms has a dark intrigue. It is not about science at all, but an act of counter-science. If satisfied we could make some exceedingly rash judgements about God and our need for Him, thereby vindicating a non-faith position. It would also vindicate the thin argument that we were spontaneously made and are simply part of a random event that occurs elsewhere in the universe. Would that make us wiser? I doubt it. Would such arguments help us when God comes to judge us? Not likely. Would our speculations save this planet from self-destruction? I think not. Have we got more important issues to worry about? Yes, but who cares.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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