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Thursday, July 29

Awesome power

My firstborn son is an amateur scientist. Having blown up all he could find, whilst burning house and home and shaking foundations or launching surface to surface missiles against neighbours, he also found time for the academic side of science. As far as he is concerned, if he spent all day at shool just doing science, he couldn't be happier. Isn't there a specialist science school out there? I suppose not. Sadly a not so good mathematics teacher has caused him to lose confidence in that vital link to a future engineering qualification, but its all coming back - a little bit of encouragement and support is doing wonders. 

In the process of helping him I took him out for some coffee. On the way, he pointed towards a red indicator light and said, "Dad there is enough energy in that small red dot to light a city". The point he was making related to Einstein's groundbreaking energy formula. 

Tim went on to explain that the collision of discrete protons in the large hadron accelerator had generated temperates many times hotter than the core of the sun. He is right. Indeed, thanks to two complementary principles, the sun also uses E = MC2 to initiate fission reactions that split helium into hydrogen, which releases enough energy to bring about a subsequent fusion reaction, resulting a new helium atom that is lighter than the original atoms. The difference in mass releases more energy into the system. Thus that mighty ball of fire out there fuels itself almost perpetually, thanks to the continuous interaction of small, atomic particles. Unfortunately, every now and then the system surges into a solar flare that releases significant quantities of fuel into space, predicting, for that and other reasons, the eventual collapse of our star. Unfortunately, when it does collapse it will first expand enough to swallow our orb and then collapse again.

Now consider that somewhere in the past Jesus cradled a grain of sand in His palm, with a mass equivelent to our total universe. I believe Him to be the elusive God particle, that great mystery that shrouds our greatest minds in darkness. For it is in His power to create and destroy. I would go so far as to say that He invested a principle in every atom that will bring about the dematerialisation of the universe, when a simple utterance by the Word of God will conclude this age and fold up the heavens like a garment.

Okay, so my theory is not science, yet it is scientific. There is no doubt that a singularity of immense power and mass triggered the creation as we know it. The first experience of that event was light. As we see in Genesis 1, light illuminated the dark void - and it was indeed a void of absolute nothingness, a vast black hole centered around a massive core, from which light could not escape until the light of the world released it.  

What power is in His hands? He holds the worlds in His hands yet knows the hairs on our heads. He alone has prevailed to order the epochs and ages of history. He alone formed the worlds. Without was nothing made that was made. He is before all things and by Him all thing consist. Glory to God.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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