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Sunday, July 11

The fingerprints of God

The peculiar way in which Jesus created the universe, is consistent with the nature of God and the mandate that the Father gave to His son. God’s nature can be described in many ways, the most notable attributes being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and Holy.

There are, however, certain attributes of the universe that inform us on the more practical sides of His nature. It intrigues me that all or almost all of the created universe can be explained in terms of natural phenomena. To also conclude that it was also driven by a natural force is a contradiction of science, for the second law of thermodynamics dictates that energy can only low from a high energy source to a low energy object, not the other way round. In other words things can’t spontaneously go uphill unless they are pushed.

To me, the fact that we can attribute natural explanations to the creation, is simply a case of God being very methodical. Scientists record their experiments so that they have a chain of evidence and methodology, to help them logically progress to an objective. God did the same, leaving an empirical record of everything He did from the initiation of creation until now. He left his finger prints so that we could understand and marvel.

Indeed, rather than an instantaneous event, the preferred explanation of creation of history, He logically built layers, the way the days of creation are described in Genesis 1 and 2. It was necessary to first create the light that was the fundamental building block of the universe and which also introduced the basic forces of matter. That light was probably the result of the Big Bang, the first light that illuminated the void of space. The same light was the visible expression of an immense center of energy, the kind of Petri dish that the great chemist needed to blend and mix atomic particles into the exquisite matter we now take for granted.

The energy source of the sun is fusion power, where hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium. In so doing they release large amounts of energy, consistent with E = MC2. Such fusions can only take place in the context of the very high temperatures that exist inside the sun. If that energy is sufficient to transform hydrogen, the most common substance in the universe, into helium, then imagine what was made in that initial big bang environment – it was trillions of times hotter than the sun.

Having made the essential elements, God was able to create material stars, the next vital building block of creation as it brought about the stable conditions that allowed for planet formation. As our planets stabilized into fixed orbits, the heat of our sun and the mixture of elements trapped in the gravitational field of the earth, resulted in the formation of compounds, including organic or carbon based compounds and water vapor. As the earth cooled, the water vapor condensed to form oceans.

The land and seas created an initial hothouse that allowed new organic life to form, in the patterns described by Genesis 1 and 2. As the environment changed, and with the help of a few disruptive nudges here and there, the species that were initially used to aggressively propagate plant species, died out and yielded to a more stable environment. Into that environment stepped man, the pinnacle of God’s creation, uniquely instilled with the breath of His nostrils and the Spirit of God. How fearfully and wonderfully are we made?

(c) Peter Eleazar @
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