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Tuesday, June 29

Now you see me ... now you don't

The CERN laboratory that traverses Switzerland and France, hosts the largest particle accelerator in the world: The Large Hadron Collider. A series of 5,000 powerful electro-magnets accelerate bunches of charged nuclear particles (protons) along a circular track, which has a 27km radius. The resulting collisions will generate heat many times the surface temperature of the sun.

Some feared that this multi-billion-dollar global participation project would lead to an earth-bound black hole or some other wild catastrophe. That was speculative given the vast power required to recreate a black hole, although the insides of the accelerator equate to a controlled bomb, equivalent to 160kg of TNT.
Fortunately, the complex assembly of the LHC is designed to contain all expected energy surges.

One of the greatest objectives of the LHC experiment relates to the so-called “Higgs Bosun”. Higgs observed that mass-less particles like neutrinos acquire mass, which doesn’t make sense. An example to make the point describes how a party of people will gravitate towards a celebrity and then follow her across space, giving her “mass” and “momentum”. The mechanism that gives mass to otherwise mass-less matter is the Higgs Bosun, or so they theorize.

I am in no position to argue, except to say that it is not an elusive particle or undiscovered phenomenon that contributed to the formation of matter. Rather, the bible says, “All things were made by and consist through, Jesus Christ.”

That is a powerful idea contained in economical language. In X-Men 3, Jean is resurrected by her immense powers, to be called, “The Phoenix”. Her power is then co-opted by a dark megalomaniac, Magnetron, who focuses her destructive force. At full tilt, her power literally dematerialized people and things, causing their atomic consistency to dissolve into nothingness – a bit like what happens when you put Aspirin into water.

The movie captured something of the power that holds the whole universe together. It will not take power to destroy all matter. Rather, the removal of the power which sustains the universe and by which it consists, will result in the dematerialization of everything as we know it. That is what the bible means when it says, “All things consist (are held together), by Him”. This idea is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics, which defines that without sustaining energy, all matter would regress to disorder.

Paul’s words in Colossians, introduce further thoughts relating to Christ’s preexistence and His role as the agent of creation, but suffice to say that, “because He lives we can face tomorrow”.

The very fact of His existence is what keeps the universe intact and that energy is being expended all day, every day until it be taken away - at which point a dematerializing universe will be reduced to a cloud of particles that He will fold up as one would fold up a garment (Hebrews 1:10-12) – and in heaven another day will simply end with that cloudy sky catching the golden hue of glory.

(c) Peter Eleazar at

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