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Wednesday, April 14

And then there was light

Einstein shed some light on physics, but divine light transformed a void, into a wondrous universe.

When Einstein first proposed the mass-energy equivalence, defined in the formula E=MC2, he had what was called an Annus Mirabilis, a great year, releasing a string of hugely significant papers, one of which earned him a Nobel prize. Unfortunately, he was so ahead of his time, that some of his thinking has only been fully validated in recent years, notably through the development of the Hubble telescope and radio astronomy.

Although there was a prevailing consensus about the relationship between energy and matter, there were too many gaps in prevailing theories to quantify the relationship. It was only when Einstein determined light to be a universal constant that he was able to unlock the mysteries of mass-energy equivalence. That resulted in two of the greatest strides in science and it revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

Yet Genesis 1:1 had it all. Light was the first phenomenon of creation. The brightness of the Big Bang radiated across the dark void that we know as space. It exploded with life, introducing the four forces of the universe within the first second of that cataclysmic event. Light was the multiplier (C2 or 186,000 mi/s2) that converted the infinite mass of the universe into the vast energy that now defines our universe. Unfortunately, there is a concept of dark matter that makes up 70% of our universe, but it is only dark in the sense of being un-quantified, so we cannot make anything of that at this stage.

Light was used by John to describe Jesus, when he paralleled the words of Genesis 1 with “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God”. This speaks of revelation light or truth and is actually more fundamental to the creation than physical light, for as we see from events in the first second of creation, the big bang was bound by the laws of the universe, laws that were defined before it all began. The laws were necessary to ensure an ordered universe rather than an uncontrolled, perpetual explosion of energy that would never have produced the viable conditions of a self-sustaining universe. It is that simple fact that defined the difference between intelligent design and random coincidence.

The light of God’s truth is the also what turns the void of our hearts into something wonderful and life-giving. When we allow His light into our lives, it transforms empty vessels into instruments of righteousness. No longer are we coincidence of the random events and selection of life, but we are now purpose-made, a people whom God has separated unto Himself for His own glory.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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