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Wednesday, April 14

Simple truth

Einstein pondered scientific truth and changed the world. Abraham pondered God and changed eternity.

Few appreciate that Einstein’s now famous energy equation, E=MC2, was originally expressed in a three page thesis, published in 1905. He spent ten years reflecting on the relationship between mass and energy, before he was sure enough to propose the now famous formula. However, the implications of his initial step of faith took the rest of the century to distil and validate.

Men like Abraham spent their life-energy seeking to know God, but even when they reached a zenith, the experience was reduced to a sentence or paragraph, far less than Einstein’s original theorem. Yet as definitive as E=MC2 has been to the modern world, so the few words that passed between God and people on lonely hills, like Moriah, conveyed a weight and substance of meaning that became a watershed in human understanding of the divine heart of God.

Entire faiths and nations were built on such simple moments of divine revelation. Those same outcomes became stepping stones to the climactic revelation of God’s heart and the ultimate conclusion of all revealed truth: the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom all things were made and though whom all things consist.

So don’t fret then when God does not make sense, follow what you do know and build on that until you come to your own epiphany. The wonder of it all is that when you get there things will be so obvious you will be left wondering why you could not have seen it earlier.

For me, the simple understanding of His love for us and currency of love in the life and thought of His kingdom is so obvious that we can but wonder how theologians can so persistently contrive to complicate what is so characteristic of the Great I Am.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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