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Wednesday, April 14

The span of His hand

It is now given that the universe was originally of infinite density, meaning it had infinite mass embraced within a very small volume, analogous to a grain of sand.

The bible says that God spans the universe with His right hand. Whilst I have no doubt that at one dimension God’s spirit does embrace the entire universe, for we were made by Him and for Him. However, there are other recorded manifestations of God that reveal Him in the form of men and here I specifically refer to an incident where Moses was caught in the cleft of a rock on Mount Sinai, as God walked by. Moses only saw the back of God, but what he saw was a man, for we are indeed created in His image.

We could deduce from many other scriptures that God has eyes, ears, a mind, nostrils, hands, feet and a heart. So we are a realistic depiction of the composition, certainly not the size or complexity, of the Great God who made the earth His footstool.

As such it is not improbable that when the creation was initiated, that the Father stooped, picked up a grain of sand and placed it in the right hand of His son, saying, “I hereby reserve you, from before the creation, to be savior of all” (Hebrews 13:8). Thus the creator (Jesus is specifically identified as the agent of creation in John 1), also became the guarantor of that creation, entrusted by God to use the created world to restore divine order and redeem the souls of all who fear Him.

Jesus, the light of the world then breathed over that grain and His glory filled the void to bring about the immense, immeasurable energy that resulted in our created universe. He is not only its guarantor, but is also the unseen force that holds it all together (Colossians 1:17).

By implication then, He also holds the power to remove the sustaining force of the universe and to then fold it all up as one would fold up a garment. 1 Corinthians 15 clearly declares that He will prevail until He has restored all things (a term also used by Newton to describe how all things return to a state of rest). When He has restored all things, “God will be all in all” and the season that described the 14-18billion years of this universe will be concluded, for God would have concluded His works.

A small aside here is that Romans 8 suggests that the power of the King, the same power that raised Him from the dead, already indwells us. Thus, He who fills the heavens and holds all things together, also dwells in us and when the angel sounds the trumpet, Jesus will merely call us and so shall we ever be with our God.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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