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Monday, May 24

All will be revealed

Hebrews 11 tells us that the invisible things of God are clearly seen and understood in that which can be seen.

That is a very telling scripture. The more I read about the different philosophical and theological positions of astronomists, the more I feel that they are dancing around the truth. The theologians of the world tried to reconcile their perceptions of God and creation to the scriptures, until they realized that their interpretations needed to change. The created universe reconciles with the scriptures and always has, despite times when misguided theologians believed that the world was flat and at the centre of the universe, or that the sun orbited earth not the other way round.

Since then, dissident views have tried very hard to shrug off the compelling truths of the observable universe and its scriptural implications, by coming up with science that is at times even more creative than God has been. Quantum mechanics is a case in point, which tries to resolve all dilemmas by pointing to random, unexplained events.

Sadly, that will not work, because God reveals all through what is visible and makes no room for speculative theories built around that which is not visible or known.

That brings us to a very important point. Hebrews states that “all” (implied) the “invisible aspects of God” are clearly seen and understood by that which is visible. That has a number of implications.

It means that God can be deduced from the visible creation and we can comprehend Him from our physical perspectives. It also means that knowledge will progress with science until we know all there is to know. I predict that even dark matter (the other 75% of the mass of the universe that is as yet unknown to science) will reveal itself, but when it does it will be like a Pandora’s box – it will leave science staring into the face of God and having to face up to the kind of conclusions they would prefer never to have known.

It also implies that God subjected Himself to the consistent laws of His created universe – or better yet, that the laws of the universe give expression to what He has always been. He does not keep His hands on the levers or run the universe, rather He enshrines whatever He makes within a set of self-regulating laws, which, if broken, will invoke other laws to either correct or self-destroy the result. Jesus said, “The wind blows where it wants to”, implying that God does not subjectively rule the winds. The wind and everything else in our created sphere is governed by God’s predetermined laws. It so happens that end time judgments will all be self-imposed, as man brings his own woe upon himself to destroy what he was given to steward.

I will explore some of the hidden mysteries of God in subsequent blogs.

(c) Peter Eleazar @
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1 comment:

Cindy Skillman said...

I love this, Peter. It's so cool to see someone else pondering the same things I've been marveling about. Just last night, we were talking about how we can't perceive most of what is all around us, but that the invisible things are more real than the things that are seen. Amazing to see you blogging about it here!