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Friday, May 21

He stands upon the circle of the heavens

Einstein argued that space-time can be warped. At the time the theory could not be proved, but subsequent observation of black holes confirms that he was right.

Similar to the error of parallax whereby light bends when we observe something under water, so space-time distorts our observations of reality.

When a black hole passes between us and a distant massive object, the extreme gravitational influences bend the light passing between the object and us, so we see the object in a different place from where it is or should be.

In the movie “Next”, scientists reproduce a supposed warping of space-time, enabling them to blend the past or future into the present. Think in terms of space-time being a continuous ribbon, which is then bent so that earlier or future scenes are wrapped back to coincide with the present. Einstein would concede that the plot was theoretically possible, but practically very far from feasible.

Now our galaxy is spiral shaped - because it has or at least had a spinning core. However, as we move further from the core, we get an effect called gravitational braking, which argues that matter cannot approach or reach the speed of light. Thus, the arms of the spirals start to bend into their familiar spiral shape because matter along the spiral cannot move around the core at the same speeds as matter nearer the core.

Now, as a very amateur scientist or, preferably, a rank amateur, let me ask, could the universe be a super-spiral, with a common core? Arguably yes. It had a common starting point, the moment of the big bang, and because the massive energy in the system could not be expressed only as an explosion, the core would have started to spin.

Okay, so theoretically we are all caught up in a massive spiral. Well then, could it be that gravitational braking also slows down the speed of orbit for matter further and further from the core? Again we could surmise that it be so.

Well then, is it possible that space-time, at a universal level, overlaps, so that yesterday is infinitely close to today? If so, then if universal time is a function of the core, the way our own solar time references the sun, can we argue that the fringes of the universe approach infinity in line with Einstein space-time theorem?

Now here is the real poser. Jesus is referred to as the “ancient of days”. That implies that He has aged, that He is subject to time. We could concede that, as He emerged some “time” after the infinite beginning of His Father. Accordingly, where Job 22:14 said. “He walks in the circle of the heaven”, did He imply that Jesus stands at the edge of time and eternity? Theologically, He mediated between time and eternity, but if He physically also stands at the edge of the universe, would we find Him seated in a state near-eternity, whilst still being part of the times and seasons of this universe?

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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