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Sunday, August 8

Signs in the heavens

I have a dilemma. I had a desire to explore the signs of God in the heavens, but then I felt a deep check in my spirit. Many years ago I sat through a presentation by a Christian speaker who revealed how even the astrological constellations reveal the hand of God and foretell the destiny of the world. It was fascinating, but not pleasing to God.

The three wise men used star signs to accurately foretell the advent of Christ, so perhaps the bible does acknowledge that there is something in what is far from science.  Genesis 1 and other scriptures also confirm that God set signs in the heavens. Luke 21: 11 says, "... and great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."

Unfortunately, astrology is a very unscientific philosphy. What we perceive as patterns in the sky, and which we refer to as constellations, is indeed not so. Beyond the two dimensions available to an earth observer, we will find that the stars that seem so related, are not related at all. Some are near us, others further away and some very far away. There just is no relationship there. However, more damning is that the signs derived from the supposed connections between stars, is so arbitrary or should I say, "imaginative".  

It really takes quite a stretch of mind to find the patterns that the superstitious take so seriously. Apart from maybe Scorpio, which adequately describes the outline of a scorpion, the rest is somewhat vague. Oh, of course we can all find Orion's belt or the North Star or the Southern Cross, but support for Astrology is hardly a logy at all - it is arbitrary and steeped in the dark practices of the occult.

So I went searching for God's heart on the signs out there and found a few verses, notably Jeremiah 10:2, which confirms: "Thus saith the LORD, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them".

Although some Christians are now actively exploring astrological signs as a line of theological argument and are also making active presentations on the subject, I feel that we are offending God. Divination of any form and for any cause is an abomination to God and we do well to stay well clear of the edge.

A firm was advertising for truck drivers. They asked the first applicant how close he would drive his truck to the edge of a pass. He offered to go within a foot, but the next driver vowed to drive on the edge, whilst the third dared to go beyond the edge. However, the fourth driver, when asked the big question, simply said, "I would stay as far from the edge as possible" - he got the job. I too prefer to stay away from the edge.

I will always enjoy and celebrate the natural wonders of astronomy and the glories that great observers of old, like Abraham and Job also marvelled at. But I choose to stop there, yet in so doing may I warn all readers - there are spirits of seduction at work even in the church. Jesus warns that, in the last days, false prophets and seducing spirits will even deceive the elect (Matthew 24:24). Paul also warns that a spirit of great delusion is coming on the earth (2 Th 2:8-12).

I appeal to you, therefore, to stay away from the edge and avoid the thin ice. Your salvation is infinitely precious. We have enough fish to fry in just getting from here to glory, not to have to complicate our lives with dark distractions. Very tough times are coming and our faith will be deeply tried, so we must keep the gates and defend against anything that can compromise our own faith or those entrusted to our care.

As the hourglass Nebula suggests, time is running out and the end is nearer than when we first believed. Therefore number your days and keep your accounts short. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

(c) Peter Eleazar @
Image source: Hour glass Nebula, Hubble

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of wisdom in the things you've said. We're gettin closer and closer and it seems like the world is getting farther and farther away. To anyone reading this that does not believe in God, the Father and Jesus Christ The Messiah, understand that these signs are out there. They aren't something that we control to try and control you. These signs appear because God put them there, not humanity. Stand in awe before the LORD God, Creator of the Heavens and Earth. Only He can save you from the torment promised in the Holy Bible to those who do not believe on the Name of Jesus Christ The King. To those who do believe, these are trying times and will only get worse. People will beat you down, spirits will beat you down, even family will beat you down for your belief. Don't let them affect you. Stand up for your love of God. Show those that hate you, the love that God shows us. Love those that hate you. Give to those that take from you. Speak well of those who speak hatefully about you. Be prepared to go as far as dying for your faith because the enemy is prepared to die for theirs. Those who lose their life for Christ will surely find life. Humble yourselves and never denounce or reject God. Do not fear those who can destroy the body but instead fear the LORD who can destroy both the body and the soul.Humble yourselves before God Almighty, praise Him, thank Him, repent of your sins and speak His Word in every corner of this world. Make it your mission to bring others with you as you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. God bless you all.