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Tuesday, August 4

The sky is falling

The conspirators are having a boom season. First four blood moons, with the final one expected at the end of September, and now there are rumors doing the rounds that a large space object is headed our way.

One of the nearest misses of late was that of asteroid Icarus, which came as close as 5million kilometers to the earth. 

That was 5million kilometers closer than its previous pass, 19 years ago, but its trajectory is not naturally linear. The planets it passes on its next circuit could do anything to its orbit and potentially shift it back beyond the previous 10million kilometer mark.
Others are insisting that a 2.5 km wide comet is now due to impact the earth in September. NASA is clear that it is not tracking anything that fits that description. 

Besides, if en route from the sun it would have to be travelling faster than 2.5million kilometers per hour to get to us in time, assuming 60 days’ notice. In fact, it would come from the other side of the sun within 45 days – impossible.

In astronomic terms, four lunar eclipses in a row is a normal event, a tetrad, which occurs as much as ten times a century. Reading biblical significance into it is also a bit far-fetched as the blood moons won’t rise over Israel. That said, I concede that it is interesting that they coincide with two successive feasts of Passover and Tabernacles and will culminate with the 2015 feast of trumpets.

A studied examination of the Bethlehem star indicates why Herod never saw anything special in the night sky at the time of Christ’s birth. It involved a conjunction between the King Planet, the King Star and Venus, with some retrograde motion to support the perception that the “star” was suspended over the place where He was born.

Only skilled astronomers, the Maji, could have worked that out. They tracked the path of those heavenly bodies for the months and years leading up to it and, by such means, could determine where it would happen. A similar conjunction, not as perfect, happened in July.

In Genesis 1 God confirmed that the heavens would be for signs and seasons, so reading future events into what is playing out in the heavens is valid. Indeed, John the Divine alludes to that in Revelations 12:1, speaking of a woman with child, who had a crown of stars and the moon at her feet. It likely alluded to Virgo, which carried the same conjunction in her crown as the moon rose at her feet.

Whatever, my sense is that God uses more subtle signs up there to portend major events down here. The wonder of it all is how He foresaw and planned such events to fit with the unfolding of history. 

The calculations involved are staggering.  No misguided prophet could have contrived such mysteries. It is beyond human comprehension.

As such, I am more inclined to lean towards more subtle signs of the return of our King. Its all around us actually. Evidence is before our eyes in the moving and shaking of nations, the tides of life, world trends and so much more.

The rise of ISIS, for example, seems to fit well with the calamities described in Ezekiel 38, which describes a confederacy between Russia (Gog and Magog), Iran (Persia), Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. That seems to be evolving, and ISIS is slowly gaining ascendancy in that region. The collapse of Greece may be part of all that is emerging, but that is another discussion.

I do believe we are living in momentous times and that the world is stumbling inexorably to a judgment that has been a long time coming.

The recent conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Regulus, seems to confirm that. Venus is the evening and morning star, but as the evening star, it heralds the night, not the day. Peter referred to the daystar of prophecy that points to Jesus, a star that would herald the day of salvation, redemption, and the return of the King of Glory.

However, Venus, which was not crowned by the king-star or the king-planet, may well have been pointing to the advent of anti-Christ.

I don’t know, really I don’t. I am wary of getting into eschatological arguments, because it just divides and rarely reaches any consensus. Nor do I want to minimize what is happening in the world around us. I just advocate a more reasoned response. Following every self-proclaimed prophet and yielding to fear or speculation, is not God’s will.

Rather be rooted and grounded in Jesus (Eph 3) and let Him order your footsteps. The signs of His deity and value in our lives are beyond speculation. He is the way, the light and the truth and I choose to follow Him. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and sound mind (2 Tim 1:7).

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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