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Sunday, July 5

The night sky July 2015

Jupiter, the King Star, is within 0.6 degrees of Venus, a rare, close conjunction. That will continue as they dance towards Leo. Then a new conjunction will happen between Regulus, the King Planet, and Venus. At that stage Leo, the Lion, will be above Hydra, the serpent.

These signs and the retrograde dance of the stars around each other, were typical of what happened when Jesus was born. We know that Herod could not see with his naked eye, what only Zorastrians of Persia, the Magi, could see. They had tracked the convergence of the stars and planets for months, so knew exactly where above the earth they would meet. That ultimately led them to the birth place of the King. At His death,Leo also stood with his paws on the head of the serpent, confirming the ancient prophesy that the great descendant of Adam would crush the serpent's head.

Now it is all evidently reappearing at a time when four blood moons have appeared in a tetrad that coincides with the feasts of tabernacles and trumpets. The trumpet will sound, according to scripture. Revelations sees the trumpets announcing the judgments of God, but Paul saw it as the signal for the rapture of the church. I cannot be sure of how this all fits together, but it is certainly interesting.

Venus was not always called Venus. I am led to believe that it was called Lucifer in the Middle Ages. That was not an allusion to Satan, per se, but rather Jerome's allusion to Isaiah 16 and the son of the morn, the King of Babylon. As with all scripture, deeper layers of meaning lie beneath the literal or historic superficiality of the written word. Most evangelicals accept that Isaiah 16 is also a mystical revealing of the cherub that covered the throne of God.

Now Peter speaks of the day star of prophecy, the herald of the dawn,which also alludes to Venus. Venus is both the evening and the morning star. She heralds dusk and dawn.

However, right now the great herald appears at dusk, together with Jupiter, who is also recognized in mythology as the king of the Gods, the equivalent of Zeus. So there is a light and dark meaning here and I suspect that right now there is a dark meaning. Forces are at work in the earth and the revealing of antichrist is at hand. That will hail the dusk, the end of this age of grace and the darkness of the night of judgment that is coming on the earth. The connotations of Jupiter and Regulus, together with Venus, point to a false king. Jesus comes with the dawn, not the darkness of night, for He is the sun that is risen with healing in His wings, He is the light of this world.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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