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Wednesday, August 25

Creation without a creator??

It is impossible to understand our universe without first understanding the motives behind its formation.

My last post argued that objects like an Italian sports car or a new building or a house, reflect a combination of functional and aesthetic design. It reminds me of a general rule of thumb in aeronautics, which simply states that “if it looks good, chances are it will fly well”.

The fact that our universe is both functionally and aesthetically remarkable, speaks volumes about its maker and His heartbeat. Had we been solely a product of evolution, diversity of species and the preservation of their specificity, would not have happened.
The third law of thermodynamics confirms the point, arguing that, without the benefit of an external agent, the universe would not evolve any more than water will spontaneously go uphill. Rather, the law of entropy argues that all states of existence devolve to a state of natural harmony and rest.

Hebrews 11 confirms that the invisible things of God are clearly seen and understood by that which is made, a point that was succinctly made to an atheistic professor. A believer challenged his position by asking if anyone had seen the professor’s brain, which led to the simple deduction that just because it can’t be seen doesn’t make it non-existent, any more than not being able to see God renders Him non-existent. 

Substantial aspects of our created world are not evident except through indirect observation. You can’t see gravity, but you do see evidence of its existence. The same is true of electricity and nuclear power.

Accordingly, we can also observe that this remarkable world reflects genius of design and flair. Though I have never seen or heard God, I cannot refute His existence because the evidence shouts for itself everyday and everywhere.

However, that still doesn’t tell us WHY He made it. Was it on a whim? If so, then it is not surprising that some would interpret every aspect of the created universe to be mere happenchance. The same line of argument reduces creationism and evolution to variations on a common theme, to which our best response must be, “So what?”

However, if we can discern a deliberate motive behind it all, we can also defuse any notions about randomness, even when the evidence looks like an act of whim – heck, some offbeat creatures, like the Zebra, the stick-insect or the bumble bee, will always seem like random acts of unreason, unless we understand what motivated the Creator.

I close by saying that the governing laws and principles of science are consistent across the universe. Whatever we perceive as randomness, still obeys those laws and principles. Those laws not only provide the required latitude for evolutionary progress and adaptation, but the laws of God also give the universe the external agent it needs to evolve uphill, not devolve downhill. Maybe it is also the key to dark matter.

However, it then means that the unseen hand of a rational mind and an infinitely creative heart, is the real force behind the creation and continuity of this universe.

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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